
Thursday 8 March 2018

The Best Foods To Ease An Upset Stomach

The Best Foods To Ease An Upset Stomach
Did you know that there are many natural ways to help you calm your irritated stomach? Dealing with stomach ache can be stressful and usually happens in the most inconvenient moment.
Try these natural and easy ways to relieve stomach ache and start feeling better.

Drinking tea is one of the easiest ways to calm your irritated stomach. Prepare yourself a cup of mint or chamomile tea, and you can also add some ginger. Mint is recommended in cases of nausea or PMS symptoms.

Any kind of mint or peppermint flavored candy or chewing gum can help you sooth your irritated stomach or digest food more easily. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, mint relaxes stomach muscles, so it is useful in treating cramps and upset stomach.

Prepare yourself easy digestible vegetable or chicken soup. Since soup is easily digested it will not upset your stomach additionally, and it is also rich in many nutrients.

Double baked bread
This is an old natural remedy for stomach ache and diarrhea. Bake some stale bread in the oven or in a toaster and eat it. Baked, dry bread absorbs all toxic material in the stomach and reduces pain.

Ginger is another useful food product which has proven to be helpful in calming upset stomach or nausea. Prepare ginger tea for best results, and if it tastes too strong have some ginger flavored candies.

Bland Foods Like Rice, Potatoes & Toast
If your stomach hurts because you have a virus or have been going to the toilet, eating bland and starchy foods such as rice, potatoes and toast can really help. These types of foods don’t put any added stress onto your digestive system if it’s feeling a little sensitive.  They can also help to ease symptoms such as diarrhea by absorbing excess fluids and hardening your stool.

Whilst certain types of dairy can prove to be a source of some people’s discomfort, having some all natural yoghurt when feeling nauseous can help to restore balance in your stomach. It is important to choose a plain yoghurt that still contains live/active cultures, as these can help to restore the good bacteria in your gut.

Another great fruit to eat when you are feeling nauseous or unwell is papaya (or as we sometimes call it in Australia, paw paw). Papaya is a rich source of proteolytic enzymes, which can help the digestive process. Some of these enzymes such as papain and chymopapain can also help break down proteins and soothe the stomach by promoting a healthy acidic environment.

Bananas are great to eat when you are feeling super nauseous or unwell because they are easily digestible. They also contain pectin, which helps to firm up your stool if you are experiencing diarrhea.

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