
Saturday 31 March 2018

Great & Quick Chest Exercises that Works Out Your Upper Pecs

Want to blast your chest? Try the cable cross. It completely stretches your pecs to build deep rooted muscle. The rule with the cable cross is if you keep the pulleys as high as they can go, that works out your upper pecs while positioning the pulleys near the floor and lifting upward will work your lower pecs.
Want to blast your chest? Try the cable cross. It completely stretches your pecs to build deep rooted muscle. The rule with the cable cross is if you keep the pulleys as high as they can go, that works out your upper pecs while positioning the pulleys near the floor and lifting upward will work your lower pecs.

Your chest is composed of two muscle groups: the large pectoralis major, and the smaller pectoralis minor underneath. The flat, thick pec major originates in a broad sweep along the anterior surface of the clavicle, down the sternum, and from the cartilage of the ribs. It inserts into a much smaller area, the intertubular groove at the top of the humerus (upper arm).

The narrow, triangular pec minor originates from the upper and outer surfaces of three ribs and inserts into the coracoid process, a bony protrusion next to the shoulder joint.

The pec major is responsible for a number of actions involving the humerus, such as lifting the arm from the side (adduction), from the front (flexion), or turning it in an arm-wrestling motion (internal rotation). The pec minor has one major function, which is to stabilize the scapula

The most popular exercises to add resistance to these basic movements include the bench press, dumbbell press, dumbbell flye, cable crossover, and the push-up. But they're by no means the only options. Let's take chest training a step farther and look at more advanced techniques to shock your muscles into growth.

Here’s a great quick chest work out (Perform three sets with 12-15 reps each):

Upper Cable Cross

Lower Cable Cross

Butterfly Machine

Barbell Bench Press – Medium Grip

Push-Ups With Feet on an Exercise Ball (For this one, do three sets of 25-50 each, depending on your strength).

How to Get a Slender Waist for the Beach

Do you want a slender wasp waist without any imperfection? To achieve the desired results and have a slender waist, you can do exercises at home.

*Slender waist:

1. Start the exercise in orthostatic position with support on one leg, the other extended at side. Keep one hand on the waist, another extended over head.
2. Leaning on one leg, extend the other hand back by turning the trunk.
When muscles are relaxed, inhale through your nose, and when they are in motion, exhale through the mouth. Repeat the exercise 20 times, and then change direction and repeat it again. This movement trains the oblique abdominal muscles.

*Wasp waist:

1. Start the exercise lying, leaning on your shoulder. Extend a hand before and the other flex behind over the head.
2. Then rise a leg up at the same level with the trunk.
3. Then raise the other leg and trunk up, relying upon the forearm. Return it to its original position.
When muscles are relaxed, inhale through your nose, and when they are contracted, exhale through the mouth. Repeat the movement 20 times for both sides of the waist. This exercise involves external and internal oblique muscles.

*Well defined waist:

1. Start the exercise lying laterally with support in one hand and the other over the waist.
2. From this position, raise the trunk from the ground leaning on palm, thus contracting the oblique muscles. Return it to its original position.
Repeat the exercise 20 times, and then turn and work the other side of the waist. This movement trains the external and internal oblique muscles.


There is nothing on earth that you cannot have---once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it
                                                                                              -------Robert Collier
Definition From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an original or to a standard or ideal.

You are thoroughly a good person you deserve a wonderful life, full of success, happiness, joy and excitement. You are entitled to have happy relationships, excellent health, meaningful work, and financial independence these are you birthright. First, you are like what they said, and your fondest wish was for them to be true for you. Second response one of skepticism and disbelief. Even though you deeply desire to live a wonderfully healthy, happy prosperous life, when you read those words, your doubts and fear arose immediately to remind you of reason why these dreams and goals may not be possible for you. Well join the crowd people all great men have that same feels but they believe in themselves and find remarkable principal series that work for them as it will change yours it up to you.

 You are engineered for success and designed to have high levels of self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride you are extraordinary: there has been anyone exactly like you in all the history of mankind on earth specially made you have absolutely amazing untapped talents and abilities that, when properly unleashed and applied, can bring you everything you could ever want in life. You are living at the greatest time in all of human history surrounded by abundant opportunities that you can take advantage of to realize your dreams. The only real limits on what you can be, do, or have are the limit you place on yourself by your own thinking.

Your Future is virtually unlimited

[Must Read] If You Don’t Have Plans for a Guy, You Must Stop Doing these 8 Things to Him


Ladies are known to naturally love flirting and this might go a long way to cause a strain in guys.

The truth is painful but must be spoken nonetheless. I’ve heard some complaints from some friends plus some of my past experiences.

Ladies, if you don’t have plans for a guy stop the following:

1. Stop calling him “sweet names” like dearie, sweetheart, honey, love etc.

We know you’re a “lovie duvie” but please, control it…don’t give him false hope. Let friends be friends NOT lovers. Unless you want to switch over, then you open up.

2. Stop visiting him on skimpy clothes and buttoned shirts

You visit a guy whose ear  has filled with topics like ‘How ladies behave when they want to get laid”. If you don’t have plans for him, quit sending those signals. Remember: To every sequence, there is a consequence.

3. Stop getting jealous when you see him with other girls

You don’t want to marry him, yet you get jealous when he’s making headway, relationship-wise. You’re not his mother, biko. Friends sef have limits.

4. Stop discussing your past relationships with him- it’s not his business

This thing you are saying is communicating something different to his mind. You want to talk with someone, you have besties right? False hope everywhere! Now, what do you want him to do? Leave his girl and come solve your relationship problems?

5. Stop visiting him at odd or questionable hours

This is one major way smart and decent girls nicely wipe the thought away from the mind of numerous suitors. If you don’t want intimacy, don’t visit him at all sef. Not like all guys are like that, but MOST girls are like that. A girl visits you and choose to be a good boy, then she hates you.

6. Don’t suggest sleeping in his house or vice versa because something might happen

This offers a protective measure. Don’t get me wrong: if there’s an understanding, it’s okay. More often than not, in a corrupt world of ours, no one can be trusted in a cold bed. You can trust him but can you trust his “down there”. If you don’t want “harassment”, avoid stuff like this.

7. Don’t “miss” him

Ever woke up in the morning and you see a text message in your phone by “just a friend’ saying ‘I miss you’. That stirs up questions as much as it does hormones. It’s risky.

8. Stop ‘breasting’ him

You don’t have plans for him and you’ll be staining his white clean shirt with your b**bs. C’mon! That’s unfair! Some will just come with their coconut and rest on your body as if your skin cells are dead and gone. Let’s change in 2016.=


Tuesday 20 March 2018

13 Amazing Benefits Of Calamine Lotion

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Calamine lotion is a combination of zinc oxide and ferric oxide and is produced by adding other ingredients like phenol and calcium hydroxide. It has been used as far back as 1500 BC, and more interestingly, it is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines (for being an effective and safe medication for health).
Which makes us ask one question – is it really that big a deal when it comes to skin health? Read on and find out.

What Is Calamine Lotion And How Does It Work?

Calamine lotion (or simply called calamine) is a medication that treats itchiness. It helps treat insect bites, sunburns, and certain mild skin ailments and diseases.
The lotion works by its counter-irritant effects. After you apply the lotion to the skin, it evaporates and produces a cooling effect in the process (distracting you from the itchiness or other undesirable sensations). The zinc oxide in the lotion that we spoke about has anti-inflammatory properties, and this further adds to the benefits.
Well, what are those benefits? We will see them now.
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What Are The Benefits Of Calamine Lotion?

1. Calamine Lotion Treats Acne

The zinc oxide in calamine location, as we saw, has anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that this can help aid acne treatment (1).
How To Use
You can also use the lotion to treat acne cysts. First, apply steam to bring the pus out of the cysts. Then, apply some tea tree oil to kill the bacteria (using a cotton swab). Post that, take a drop or two of calamine lotion on a cotton swab and spot-treat the cysts. Gently rub the lotion over the affected areas. Leave it on for up to 3 hours so that it dries completely. You can rinse with warm water. Do this twice a day.

2. Helps Eliminate Dark Spots

One particular ingredient in calamine, called kaolin, is known to reduce dark spots on constant application.
How To Use
Simply wash your face and gently pat dry with a clean towel. Using a cotton swab, apply the lotion to the affected areas. You might want to coat a little more, depending on the intensity of the spots. Use the calamine lotion at night and leave it on. Wash your face as usual in the morning.
Ensure you don’t apply it to the areas immediately around the eyes. And yes, a small, clean makeup brush can make application easier.

3. Soothes Dry Skin

Using calamine lotion for treating dry skin is simple. Add a few drops to a cotton swab and gently rub it on the dry areas. You can keep it on for about 3 hours and wash away with warm water.

4. Treats Diaper Rashes In Babies

4. Treats Diaper Rashes In Babies
As calamine lotion is used to ease skin irritation, it can be a wonderful remedy for diaper rashes in babies. It works by keeping the skin free from moisture and prevents the rashes from recurring.
How To Use
You can apply the lotion either directly or with a cotton swab. Rub it on the affected areas and leave it to dry. Ensure you shake the bottle a bit before using – this can give you a thick and even consistency.
Also, keep in mind that you apply it only to the affected areas (and you can do so as often as you need). But if the condition doesn’t improve in a week, please take your baby to a doctor.

5. Relieves Itches During Pregnancy

Also called pruritus, this is one common symptom in pregnant women where the body begins to itch. Mild attacks can be treated successfully with antipruritic preparations like calamine lotion, as per studies (2).
Even the American Pregnancy Association suggests using calamine lotion to curb itching during pregnancy.
How To Use
You can apply the lotion directly to the affected areas or use a cotton swab. Leave it on to dry. If the itching persists or is severe, consult your doctor.

6. Calamine Lotion Treats Insect Bites

The zinc oxide in the lotion creates a cooling sensation upon contact with skin. This offers temporary relief from mosquito bites (or ant bites). Though in some cases, the lotion could heal the underlying inflammation too, this may not happen at all times.
How To Use
Simply apply the lotion to the affected area and massage gently. Repeat multiple times in a day.
Studies have shown that calamine lotion can be used for treating insect bites and mild stings (3).

7. Calamine Lotion Treats Armpit Rashes

The lotion works in a similar way as on rashes on other areas of the body. It is an effective treatment that cures armpit rashes that cause irritation, inflammation, and discomfort all day long.
Calamine lotion also accelerates the healing process.
How To Use
You can take a liberal amount of lotion on your fingertips and apply to the affected areas. Repeat as many as times as required.

8. Treats Chicken Pox Blisters

If the accompanying fever and body aches are one side of the equation, the uncomfortable blisters are the other side. Calamine lotion contains phenol, menthol, and camphor – all of which were found to soothe the skin and dry out chicken pox blisters (4).
How To Use
Applying the lotion to the blisters (with extra caution) can dry them out and relieve the discomfort.
But keep in mind not to use the lotion on areas around your eyes and mouth. Also, stick to calamine lotion and don’t use hydrocortisone cream (a purported equivalent to calamine lotion) on your blisters – as the cream might interfere with the healing of your blisters.
You can also supplement this remedy with colloidal oatmeal baths for relieving itching during chickenpox (5).

9. Treats Eczema And Psoriasis

9. Treats Eczema And Psoriasis
The zinc oxide and ferrous oxide in calamine lotion have a role to play here. While the former is a potent antiseptic and prevents infections, the latter improves skin tone.
How To Use
Apply the lotion to the affected areas. Just ensure you don’t apply it without first cleansing your skin. Also, don’t use the lotion in excessive quantities.
The lotion relieves itching and can improve the skin condition – both in the case of eczema and psoriasis.

10. Aids The Treatment Of Genital Warts

Calamine lotion can heal the affected areas and might even kill the virus (although research is lacking on this). However, this information about calamine lotion is based on anecdotal evidence only. Consult your doctor before you use the lotion for this purpose.

11. The Lotion Might Treat Hives

Calamine lotion applied to hives can help relieve itching. It achieves this by cooling your skin.
How To Use
Simply add a few drops of the lotion to a cotton pad or cloth and gently rub it over the affected areas.

12. Can Treat Jock Itch

Though calamine lotion may not relieve jock itch completely, it can offer temporary relief by reducing the itchiness and discomfort. For better treatment, it is best to consult your doctor.

13. Treats Nail Fungus

13. Treats Nail Fungus
Though there is very less information on this, anecdotal evidence suggests that the zinc oxide in calamine lotion can help treat nail fungus. But calamine doesn’t have antifungal properties – so how it helps treat nail fungus is unknown (we aren’t sure if it even does). Hence, talk to your doctor about it.



How To Prepare Alkaline Water At Home

How To Prepare Alkaline Water At Home
Firstly, you must understand the pH levels of your water. There is a way to test it. Get a pH kit (that comes with pH strips and a color chart). Dip a strip in the water that you want to alkalize, let it sit for a moment, and then compare it against the color chart. Water above a pH of 7 is basic, and below 7 is acidic. You ideally want it to be anywhere between 7 and 9.
There are three ways you can prepare alkaline water at home.
  • Using Baking Soda
Add 1/8 tablespoon of baking soda to 8 oz. of water. The soda has a high alkaline content. And when mixed with water, it increases its alkaline properties. But ensure you don’t use baking soda if you are on a low-sodium diet – as it is high in sodium.
  • Using Lemons
Take 64 oz. of water. Slice one lemon into 8 wedges and place them in the water – don’t squeeze them. Keep the water covered for about 8 to 12 hours at room temperature. You can also add a tablespoon of pink Himalayan sea salt if you want. Lemons are anionic, and when you drink lemon water, your body reacts with their anionic properties and makes the water alkaline as your body digests it.
  • Using pH Drops
You can get a pH bottle from the nearest pharmacy or health food store (you can get it online too). Follow the instructions as to how many drops you can add to water. The drops contain alkaline minerals that can alkalize your water.
All good. But what’s the big deal with alkaline water? And most importantly, is the alkaline water that you get in the market really natural?
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Is Your Alkaline Water Natural Or Artificial?

Naturally alkaline water occurs when it passes over rocks and picks minerals that make it alkaline. This usually happens in natural springs.
But most people consume alkaline water that has been through electrolysis, which uses an ionizer to increase the pH of the water. However, there have been mixed reactions amongst doctors and scientists with respect to the consumption of artificially alkalized water.
Talking in exact terms, the naturally alkaline water is simply called alkaline water. But the artificial alkaline water is called alkaline ionized water.
Let us also talk about alkaline diet here. The purpose of alkaline water is to correct or reverse the excessively acidic state we have put our bodies into (because of unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits). An alkaline diet serves the same purpose. It consists more of fresh fruits and vegetables that come loaded with nutrients (even supplements can help – just consult your nutritionist once).
Now, we get to the most important question.
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Is It Safe?

Is the alkaline water you buy from the market safe?
To put it clearly, the issue most health experts have with alkaline water is not safety, but the health claims. There is a dearth of research on many of the health claims made about alkaline water, and how it can possibly treat just about any health ailment. In reality, it may not.
The concern with artificial alkaline water is it might be demineralized during the process of alkalization, which could be bad news in the long run (15).
Substantial research says your body is already built to provide the required balance (16). Alkaline water might just be a marketing hype. But hey, if you know someone who has genuinely benefited from alkaline water, you might as well listen to them (after talking to an expert, obviously).
Try to get to the facts. Don’t simply go by what your friends say or what the trend is.
Alright. But where do you get it?
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Where To Buy Alkaline Water

You can get your alkaline water from any grocery or health food store. Or you can even buy it online.
All good. But does alkaline water have any specific dangers?
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What Are The Side Effects Of Alkaline Water?

When you start drinking alkaline water, the normal side effects include headaches, fatigue, runny nose, and darker and softer stools. But these are good signs as they are related to the detoxification your body is undergoing. These side effects will subside once your body gets accustomed to the water – which can take anywhere between a couple of days to 2 to 3 weeks. If you have any concerns, please consult your doctor.
Other than those, one serious side effect is excessive alkalinity. Too much of alkaline water can disrupt your body’s normal pH and lead to a condition called metabolic alkalosis – this causes confusion, nausea, vomiting, hand tremors, and tingling in the hands and feet.
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It’s a myth that alkaline water can treat just about any ailment. It doesn’t. It might aid your health in some way and improve the way your body responds to treatment. But it definitely is not a replacement for actual treatment.
You can try it for the benefits. But do take care. Consult your doctor first.
Let us know how this post has helped you. Simply leave a comment below.


13 Benefits Of Alkaline Water

Ad1 13 Benefits Of Alkaline Water + How To Make It
Alkaline water is nothing but water with a high pH – higher than that of normal drinking water. Proponents of alkaline water claim that it can prevent diseases like cancer and even slow down the aging process. But is the hype all real? And what other benefits does alkaline water have? All those questions (and more) are answered here.

What Is Alkaline Water? Is It Good For You?

Normal drinking water has a pH of 7, which is neutral. Alkaline water can have a pH of 8 or 9. And talking about its goodness, let’s take a look at some studies.

One 2012 study revealed that drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 could deactivate pepsin, which is one of the culprits behind acid reflux (1). Another study found that alkaline water could benefit patients with high blood pressure or diabetes (2). Another recent study showed how alkaline water could improve blood flow (3).
Alkaline water contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium – all of which might offer certain benefits.
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What Are The Benefits Of Alkaline Water?

Since it is more alkaline than normal water, it can counter the excess acidity in our body. Alkaline water might also aid in the treatment of diabetes and cancer and boost bone health as well. Bathing in alkaline water might have beneficial effects on the skin.

1. Might Aid Diabetes Treatment

One Korean study conducted on rats states that alkaline water can reduce blood glucose levels (4). It might also treat high cholesterol, which is often associated with diabetes.
Another study states that alkaline water might improve blood viscosity in diabetes patients, which, in turn, can enhance their overall health (5).
Other sources also claim how alkaline water can help lower blood sugar levels.

2. Can Boost Bone Health

2. Can Boost Bone Health
Having elevated acid levels can weaken the bones over time, increasing the risk of fractures. Since alkaline water can reduce acid levels, it might help prevent this (6).
Some studies found that alkalinity, as a whole (and not alkaline water alone), could benefit bone health. The study looked at the overall diet of the population and concluded that a more alkaline diet could protect the bones (7).
Subjects who consumed alkaline water were found to experience less bone breakdown and a significant reduction in bone loss through urine. However, there is less research on alkaline water being good for arthritis or gout.

3. Might Regulate Blood Pressure

Some studies suggest that drinking alkaline water might have positive effects on blood pressure. But we need more studies to come to a conclusion. Until then, we recommend you take your doctor’s advice.

4. Can Aid Weight Loss

In one animal study, rats that consumed alkaline water were found to have lower body weights in the end. In fact, the rat with the lowest body weight was the one exposed to the highest pH value (the most alkaline) (8).
Other studies also state that alkaline water supplementation can exert positive effects on the body weight of the individual (9). One reason for this, as certain experts say, is enhanced metabolism. .
[ Read: How To Lose Weight Fast At Home ]

5. Might Aid Cancer Treatment

Some sources say that cancer cells thrive in acidic environments – and since alkaline water can neutralize acidity, it might help in cancer treatment. Some experts recommend following an alkaline diet, which includes alkaline water.
A few studies have also found that an alkaline environment can make certain chemotherapy drugs more effective and less harmful (10). Other sources say that an alkaline diet can help reduce inflammation, which is one of the major causes of cancer (11).

6. Might Treat Acid Reflux

Alkaline water might neutralize stomach acid and relieve the symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn. It can have a buffering effect against hydrochloric acid, the stomach acid that aids digestion, and the excess of which can cause acid reflux.
However, according to doctors, more research is needed before we begin to use alkaline water as an effective treatment for acid reflux and related ailments like GERD.

7. Can Be Good During Pregnancy

7. Can Be Good During Pregnancy
Sources suggest that pregnant women consuming alkaline water can experience smooth delivery and increased lactation. There are also reduced cases of jaundice.
Another study suggests that taking alkaline water has substantial biological effects on postnatal growth (12).

8. Aids Detoxification

Though there are no studies that directly state the benefits of alkaline water in aiding detoxification, one study speaks of the importance of an alkaline environment for the same. The study states that the adjustment of tissue alkalinity can lead to more effective excretion of toxins from the body (13).
[ Read: 50 DIY Detox Water Drinks For Weight Loss And Cleansing ]

9. Might Treat Dry Eyes

Though we don’t have substantial research, some sources say that alkaline water (especially when applied to dry eyes) can help treat the condition. Though the water may not harm the eyes, there is no concrete evidence that says it would be helpful either. Hence, consult your doctor for more information.

10. Might Treat Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by severe musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Anecdotal evidence suggests that drinking alkaline water can reduce pain and improve energy levels. It can also make the muscles feel well lubricated.
But, as we said, it’s just anecdotal research. Consult a doctor for more information.

11. Can Help Treat Ovarian Cysts

Some anecdotal evidence suggests that drinking alkaline water can dissolve the cysts and treat the condition. Another study suggests that alkaline water can improve the bodily imbalances caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and, as a result, even improve the fertility of the patients (14).

12. Might Help Treat Skin Diseases

Drinking alkaline water might aid the treatment of skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. It can also help with acne. Even bathing with the water (that might be an expensive affair, by the way) can nourish the skin and offer anti-aging benefits.
But there is very little evidence that suggests this. Using alkaline water for this purpose would cause no harm, though.

13. Might Boost Hair Growth

There is no concrete research. But just like normal water, alkaline water can boost blood circulation – which, in turn, can enhance hair health and promote growth.
These are the purported (and some researched) benefits of alkaline water. But worry not – you don’t have to always purchase it. There are simple ways you can prepare alkaline water right at home.


11 Health Benefits Of Flaxseeds

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Super-rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and abundant in lignans that offer powerful antioxidant effects, flaxseeds can be considered one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. These shiny and nutty seeds that come from the flax plant have an earthy aroma and possess various benefits. To know more, just continue reading.

What Can Flaxseeds Do For You?

Two of the most important nutrients in flaxseeds are omega-3s and lignans. One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds contains 1.8 grams of omega-3s. And they contain 75 to 800 times more lignans than other plant foods. Also, flaxseeds contain fiber, both soluble and insoluble. While the omega-3s fight inflammation and boost heart health, the lignans help prevent ailments like cancer. And the fiber improves digestive health.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Flaxseeds?

1. Flaxseeds Help Fight Cancer

Several studies on postmenopausal women showed that supplementing diets with flaxseeds can cut the risk of breast cancer (1). The seeds can also reduce tumor growth in patients with breast cancer. The omega-3 fatty acids in the seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the risk of several forms of cancer.
Lignans were also found to reduce the growth of cancerous tumors (2). Research also shows how flaxseeds can help prevent prostate cancer (3).

2. Aid Diabetes Treatment

Studies showed that flaxseed supplementation lowered fasting blood sugar levels by 20 percent. More importantly, the seeds contain mucilage, which is a gel-forming fiber that can slow digestion and the resultant release of glucose into the blood.
Preliminary studies have also shown that flaxseeds can delay the onset of diabetes. They contain a compound called SDG, which cuts the risk of type 1 diabetes and delays the onset of type 2 (4).

3. Flaxseeds Protect The Heart

3. Flaxseeds Protect The Heart
The omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseeds have been found to cut the risk of coronary heart disease. They also help improve the functioning of the arteries (5). Another Costa Rican study showed that individuals consuming more of ALA (the type of omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseeds) have a lower risk of heart attack (6).

4. Fight Inflammation

Two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds contain over 140% of the daily value of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to fight inflammation. The ALA in the seeds were found to decrease pro-inflammatory compounds in the body (7).
The omega-3s in flaxseeds can also help treat inflammatory arthritis.
Did You Know? 
Linen made from flax fibers was a symbol of purity in ancient Egypt. In fact, this linen was also used in the mummification process.

5. Can Aid Weight Loss

Given that flaxseeds are rich in fiber, they can aid weight management. And the omega-3s in the seeds, the healthy fats, can suppress appetite and improve satiety – and this also can help in weight loss.
The lignans in flaxseeds can improve cell function, and this might aid fat burning. The lignans also boost metabolism, and this also aids weight loss. Ground flaxseeds work best for weight loss.
Studies also showed that flaxseeds could increase fat excretion, thereby decreasing the amount of fat content in the body. This can promote weight loss in its own way (8).

6. Enhance Digestive Health

The soluble fiber in flaxseeds aids digestion. Ground flaxseeds work better as eating them whole can simply make them pass through your system without getting digested.
The most common use of flaxseeds involves their laxative properties. This basically means the seeds can make you poop. They can help treat constipation too, but ensure you drink enough water after consuming them.
The omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseeds can also reduce inflammation and protect the lining of the GI tract. And in people with healthy digestive systems, the seeds promote the beneficial gut flora.

7. Treats Menstrual Symptoms

As per studies, consuming flaxseeds can regularize ovulation. Women who regularly ate flaxseeds were found to ovulate during every menstrual cycle. Adding flaxseeds to your diet can also reduce menstrual cramps.
Another important piece of research tells us how flaxseeds can ease hot flashes (9).

8. Flaxseeds Are Gluten-Free

Flaxseeds work as a great replacement for all those gluten-containing grains in your diet. In case you are gluten-intolerant, most grains could be hard to digest. And this is where flaxseeds come to the rescue. They can be a good choice for anyone with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity (10).

9. Might Be Beneficial During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Flaxseeds are a rich source of fiber and omega-3s and a good source of protein – and a pregnant woman requires all these nutrients. Fiber helps treat constipation that often occurs during pregnancy. And the protein and omega-3s are critical for the child’s health.
However, we recommend you talk to your doctor before taking flaxseeds for this purpose as there is some conflicting evidence in this regard.

10. Make Your Skin Glow

10. Make Your Skin Glow
The omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseeds greatly contribute to skin health and appearance. They keep your skin hydrated and make it smooth. They prevent the everyday irritants and pollutants from entering your skin pores. They also prevent water loss from the skin. Improving the skin’s moisture levels can also help reduce wrinkles.
Keeping your skin moisturized prevents it from drying out – and this makes it glow. Dry skin can also cause other skin ailments like psoriasis and eczema – all of which can be prevented by flaxseeds.
You can either rub plain flaxseed oil gently into your skin or consume them on a daily basis. The anti-inflammatory properties of flaxseeds can also treat skin inflammation. And given the seeds contain powerful antioxidants, they can also help prevent skin cancer.
You might also want to use a flaxseed facial. Simply mix two tablespoons of raw honey, a teaspoon of fresh lime juice, and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. Apply the mixture directly to your face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash with normal water. Do it in the mornings, every day.

11. Flaxseeds Strengthen Hair

Brittle hair is often attributed to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Being rich in these fatty acids, flaxseeds can help strengthen your hair and combat hair fall. They can also help prevent a condition called cicatricial alopecia, which is a permanent hair loss condition caused by inflammation.
You can prepare a hair gel using flaxseeds. Simply put two cups of water on boil. As the water begins to boil, add four tablespoons of flaxseeds to it. Cover the pot with a lid and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Now, turn off the heat and strain the infusion. Apply the resultant gel to your scalp every morning and then wash as usual after 20 minutes.
These are the benefits of flaxseeds. We already saw a few of the important nutrients in the seeds. How about taking a look at the entire nutrient profile?
