
Wednesday 14 March 2018

How To Take Care Of Your Hair While Swimming

Swimming is always fun, but don’t you feel you could do away with the damage it causes to your hair? Taking care of your hair while swimming is a relatively simple process. Know the right way, and you are sorted. Unfortunately, that’s where a lot of us fail and need help. So, before your hair turns straw-like and brittle from all the swimming, find out the correct procedure to take care of it.
How To Take Care Of Your Hair While Swimming

How To Protect Your Hair From Swimming Pool Water

There are two ways of doing it, and both are necessary and equally important. The first one is a pre-swim hair care regimen, and the other is a post-swim regimen.
You must understand that the main culprit here is chlorine. It is used in swimming pools to kill bacteria and maintain hygiene levels in the pool. And although chlorine protects you from infections, it wreaks havoc on your hair.

Chlorine strips your hair of natural oils, making it dry and weak. It is a potent substance that causes visible damage to unprotected hair in one swim. Scary, right?
It’s time to fight it. The one unarguable rule of swimming is to strictly follow the pre and post-swim hair protecting regimens without fail to protect your hair from chlorine’s ill effects.
For that, all you need are some materials, products, and a few minutes of your time. It is easier and smarter to protect your hair from chlorine rather than fix it later after the damage is done. Don’t you think so?
So, gear up for a full-fledged hair care routine to keep your luscious locks in shape while enjoying good swims.

1. Oil Your Hair

1. Oil Your Hair

Oiling is the perfect treatment for your hair before you jump into the pool. It makes your hair waterproof and forms a protective layer over your scalp. This prevents chlorine from entering your hair cuticles and damaging the color and shine of your hair. It also prevents blonde and colored hair from turning green.

Massage oil gently into clean and damp hair, and you are good to go. Choose from an assortment of oils – coconut oil, olive oil, argan oil, and Moroccan oil – for the perfect moisturization and protection.

2. Have A Quick Shower

2. Have A Quick Shower

Yeah, that’s a good idea. Rinse your hair thoroughly in the shower as wet hair is less likely to absorb water from the pool.
It also prevents the build-up of chemical residue in your hair.

3. Apply Hair Conditioner

Applying a thick conditioner is helpful. It not only nourishes your hair follicles but also forms a layer that protects your hair from chlorine and other harmful chemicals in the pool.

4. Spritz Some Hair Spray

4. Spritz Some Hair Spray

Hair sprays are fun and easy to use. They come in handy when you swim outdoors. Choose a sun protection spray that prevents damage from the harsh sun and helps maintain the hydration levels of your locks. Hair sprays also protect your hair color from fading away.

5. Wear A Swimming Cap

5. Wear A Swimming Cap

The Harvard School of Public Health roots for swimming caps that cover your entire hair.
Tuck all your hair into the cap before you jump into the swimming pool. The cap keeps your hair dry and away from all chemicals. It is a smart way to maintain the health of your hair.

Post-Swimming Routine

1. Shampoo Your Hair

Yeah, it is that simple. Wash your hair immediately after a swim to get rid of the maximum chlorine from your hair. Chlorine sticks to the hair and is tough to wash off later if you do not rinse it immediately. Your everyday shampoo might not work here, so we recommend you pick an anti-chlorine shampoo to wash off chlorine and other mineral deposits like copper in the hair.
Following it up with a leave-in conditioner is a good idea. It fights dryness, adds moisture, and keeps your hair well-nourished. 

2. Comb Your Tresses

Combing with a wide-toothed comb controls frizz and is an easy way to untangle your hair without any pain. It loosens the tension built up in the hair and reduces breakage.
Yeah, that’s about it. But for a long-term solution, you need to do more. Find out what that is below. 

Home Remedies To Remove Chlorine Naturally From Your Hair

If you spend a lot of time in the pool, we recommend you treat your hair to a clean-up once in a while to clear the chlorine and mineral deposits in it. Following are some formulations from readily available ingredients in your kitchen that you need to try.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar Wash
  2. Vitamin C Rinse
  3. Baking Soda Treatment
  4. Tomato Paste Cure

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Wash

You Will Need
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 4 cups water
  • A squeeze bottle
What You Need To Do
  • Mix the apple cider vinegar and water and pour it into a squeeze bottle.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair, from the roots to the tips. Allow your hair to soak in the mixture for about 2 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair and let it dry.
How Often?
Apply the mixture once a week.
Why This Works
Apple cider vinegar breaks down the chlorine and mineral residue build-up around the outer layer of the hair and cleans it. It makes the hair soft, healthy, and shiny. It also tightens the cuticles, which helps your hair retain moisture better.

2. Vitamin C Rinse 

You Will Need 
  • 1/3 cup soda
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • Spray bottle
What You Need To Do
  • Mix the soda, lemon juice, and orange juice and pour into a spray bottle.
  • Rinse your hair with water and spray the mixture along the length of your hair.
  • Leave it on for 2 minutes. Wash it off with shampoo and follow up with a conditioner.
How Often?
Apply the mixture 2-3 times a week.
Why This Works
Vitamin C solution removes chlorine build-up in your hair and protects it from dandruff and premature graying.

3. Baking Soda Treatment

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon  baking soda
  • A small cup of water
What You Need To Do
  • Add water to the baking soda until it forms a paste. Apply the paste to your hair and scalp. Leave it on for 20-30 seconds.
  • Wash it off with water and continue with your shampoo and conditioner routine.
How Often?
Apply the mixture 2-3 times a week.
Why This Works
Baking soda removes chlorine and other chemicals in the hair. It makes your scalp and hair squeaky clean by removing any product build-up.

4. Tomato Paste Cure

You Will Need
  • 4 tomatoes
  • Grinder
What You Need To Do
  • Cut the tomatoes into pieces. Smash them in a grinder till they attain a gooey and thick consistency.
  • Wash your hair with water and apply the tomato paste to it. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off and shampoo your hair as usual.
How Often?
Apply the mixture 3-4 times a week.
Why This Works 
Tomato helps your hair retain the moisture lost due to exposure to chlorine in the swimming pool. It also reduces the damage caused by chlorine on your hair.

The next time you go for a swim, keep in mind the ill effects of chlorine on your hair (mentioned below) and make sure you protect your hair from it.

The Effects Of Chlorine On Hair

  • Chlorine dries your hair, stripping it of sebum, its natural lubricant.
  • It damages your hair cuticles, leading to split ends and breakage.
  • Chlorine turns blonde or light-colored hair green.
  • It makes your hair brittle and frizzy.
  • Chlorine dulls your hair and makes the scalp itchy.
Swimming is one of the best ways to unwind. And while you are at it, you shouldn’t worry about the harm it could do to your hair. You must go all out and indulge in the activity. The tips mentioned above are perfect to solve your hair care problems while swimming and leave you free to flap away in the pool happily.

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