
Sunday 6 May 2018

9 foods that could be making your acid reflux worse

Do you often get a burning sensation in your throat or stomach after you eat? Well, it's called acid reflux - a condition you could be making worse without even knowing it.
citrus fruits oranges lemons limes

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid leaks up, the wrong direction, from the stomach into the oesophagus. Symptoms of acid reflux range from heartburn to difficulty swallowing - or there can be no symptoms at all. It can be painful, uncomfortable and inconvenient to the sufferer.

What are the causes?
When you swallow food, it travels down the oesophagus, and passes through a ring of muscle called the lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS), into the stomach. The job of the LOS is to control what gets in to the stomach, and to prevent the stomach contents from getting back out again. However, the LOS is a muscle, and like other muscles, its tone can vary. Acid reflux occurs when the LOS becomes abnormally relaxed, and allows the backward flow of the stomach contents back into the oesophagus.

A number of factors can affect the tone and functioning of the LOS - from being overweight to smoking or taking medication. Certain foods and drinks can also exacerbate aid reflux, although there is still a fair bit of controversy in the medical community over which foods can cause or worsen reflux symptoms - largely because this seems to vary significantly between individuals.

Woman with hands on throat
The following foods have all been linked with acid reflux, but further research is needed. However, that's not to say sufferers won't find benefits from reducing or avoiding some, or all, of these foods.

1. High fat foods
Fat slows down the emptying of the stomach, so there is more opportunity for a full, distended stomach, which increases pressure on the LOS. This may boost your risk of reflux symptoms. Common high fat offenders include deep fried foods like fish and chips, as well as fatty cuts of meat, in particular pork and lamb.

2. Spicy foods
Whilst some individuals find that spice aggravates their symptoms, the evidence for this is mixed. Individuals should be mindful of their own spice tolerance.

3. Citrus
Such as a glass of orange juice, or lots of lemon juice squeezed over food. While citrus juice probably doesn't cause acid reflux, some individuals find that it can make their heartburn and other symptoms temporarily worse.

4. Garlic and onions
Onions can be one of the worst offenders for individuals suffering from severe reflux. Garlic can too, but not as commonly. However, the combination of onion and garlic together can often be problematic.
Fresh mint tea

5. Peppermint
Whilst an after-dinner mint tea is often recommended as a digestive remedy, for those suffering from acid reflux, this could actually worsen symptoms. Why? Because peppermint relaxes the LOS, and allows stomach acid to flow back up into the oesophagus.

6. Chocolate
There is some evidence that chocolate may worsen the symptoms of acid reflux, but this is often dose dependant. For most individuals, a small amount of chocolate is usually tolerated.

7. Alcohol
This can both increase stomach acid production, and relax the LOS, causing or worsening acid reflux.

8. Coffee
Evidence suggests that coffee can temporarily relax the LOS, and worsen symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn.

9. Carbonated drinks
Too many fizzy drinks can cause gas build up in the stomach and gastric distension (bloating), and if your stomach is distended, there is increased pressure on the LOS, promoting reflux.

Accredited Practising Dietitian & Nutritionist Caroline Trickey regularly sees clients in her clinic suffering from acid reflux, and has found that the biggest contributor to reflux is actually how people eat. "Most people eat quickly, don't chew their food properly and tend to eat while busily doing other things, so they are not relaxed when they eat," explains Caroline. "Yet digestion works best when the body is relaxed."

"Over-eating is also a very big issue when it comes to reflux," she adds. "Especially when dining out as portion sizes are usually way too big. People forget that their stomach is only the size of their clenched fist. However, many of us try to fit way more food than that in there!"

Before eliminating foods, Caroline advises regular sufferers of reflux to have a look at how they eat. "Sit down to eat and take a few breaths before you start to help your body relax. Eat slowly and chew your food well. This will also give you a chance to realise when you are full and help reduce the chances of over-eating. This really is the first place to start. And this is still good advice to follow whilst trying to cut out certain foods too."
A woman making healthy food
Low FODMAP diet
The low FODMAP diet is a temporary elimination diet that avoids foods that some people don't digest properly. FODMAPs include a range of foods like certain fruits (apples, pears), vegetables (leeks, onions, garlic), dairy products and legumes. These foods can ferment in your small intestine and cause a build-up of gas, which appears to contribute to acid reflux in some susceptible individuals.

"This is the best dietary approach I have used with clients, when all other issues have been ruled out," says Caroline. "It has been incredibly beneficial to many people who suffer from very severe forms of reflux". Here is just one case study:

"I had a 23-year-old client who had suffered from severe colic as a child and ongoing reflux ever since. His intake was minimal as a result, he was severely underweight and struggling to keep down a job. He followed the low FODMAP diet which resolved almost all of his symptoms, then went through the reintroduction process to find out which high FODMAP foods he was responding to. His worst one was onion, but he had mild symptoms with a few other high FODMAP foods. He now just avoids those foods, and this has changed his life!"

A low FODMAP diet should always be trialled under the guidance of a dietitian or other health professional who is familiar with this dietary approach.

Other lifestyle approaches for acid reflux
  • The following lifestyle tips are also recommended for those suffering with acid reflux
  • Avoid eating too close to bedtime, and don't lie down straight after Eating
  • Take steps to lose weight if overweight or obese
  • Stop smoking
  • If you notice symptoms after taking medications or supplements, speak with your doctor
  • Wear loose fitting clothing and avoid anything tight around your middle, which can put pressure on your stomach
  • Do regular, moderate exercise
If you regularly suffer from acid reflux, it is recommended to keep a food and symptom diary to help you track the foods that are your particular heartburn offenders.

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