
Saturday 5 May 2018

6 ways to boost kids' self-esteem in the age of social media

Times are tough but a psychologist (and mum) shares her tips

Teenage girl lying on bed on phone
Would you want to be a teenager in 2018? Last year, a report found that British teenagers are among the world's most 'extreme' internet users, with over a third spending more than six hours surfing the web each day. With much of that time going on relatively 'new' social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat, there's a lot of pressures Generation Z face that most of us parents have little experience of.

With this in mind, some experts believe there's a stark correlation between the rise of social media and the way young people view themselves. Recent research from wellbeing website Make Your Switch found that 60% of teenagers would risk their health for the 'perfect body'. And four in ten would try extreme dieting if it meant achieving their ideal weight.

Psychologist Emma Kenny who authored the research says: "It's very sad, but unsurprising that young men and women are willing to take such risks with their mental and physical wellbeing these days. There is so much emphasis placed on women's bodies and the 'perfection expectation'. From a very young age children are being told that the way they look is more important than any other trait."

"The body shaming that regularly takes place on social media, along with the 'beautiful equals successful' equation, gives women a very powerful message - that they are only valued for their looks. This means that men and women are more likely to be willing to harm themselves if it means gaining approval."

She believes self-esteem is at an all-time low for youngsters in the UK. And Emma reckons the internet is more than likely to blame. She says:

"The social media revolution has really changed the way childhood is. The massive change was after 2000 when the internet blew up, social media became the norm and people started to heavily edit their lives. And teenagers follow these 'wellness gurus' on Instagram who just so happen to be incredibly skinny."

It's really hard as a parent to shield them from such messages, she acknowledges. While we might realise that the way you look doesn't mean you're happier or more successful in the long term, young people are being informed of that idea constantly, wherever they go.

Woman on the weighing scales
And while Emma admits that young women are affected more prominently, boys are definitely starting to feel the pressure too. She says she's increasingly working with teenage boys who feel down on themselves because they don't possess a six pack.

Dangerous measuresEmma wanted to ask young people really specific questions to determine the impact modern life was having on their self-image.

"And what really blew us away is that young people would trade their health just to look good. And that's one of the big problems we're seeing more of in therapy: this idea that it doesn't matter what's going on inside of you, as long as you appear good looking and thin. We're teaching young people their value is based not on their character traits but their bodies. It's heartbreaking."

So what can parents do?It's understandable to feel helpless in the face of a completely changed idea of childhood, but there are things a parent can do to build up their child's self-worth. Here are Emma's tips:

1.    Steer clear of screensWhile it's hard, especially if their peers seem addicted to technology, it's important to remember that the amount of time children engage with television, smartphones and tablets makes a difference.

"The less you give them access to that, the more you give them access to childhood. And these days, parents want to think sitting their kids in front of a screen is safe and I get that. But it isn't. Children need to be creative, they need to be active. And we know that because it counteracts issues around eating crap food and obesity. These things are simple if you get it instilled in them early on."

2.    Treat yourself with respect and loveIf you've got poor body image yourself, your children will often pick up those habits too. So don't put yourself done in front of your kids – for you, and for them.

"There is nothing worse than working with a girl whose mother has regularly stood in front of a mirror and called herself names about her body. As a mother and father, your body image impacts on your children."

3.    Don't encourage your daughter to wear make upIf you're a parent to girls, Emma advises to try and ensure you don't encourage them to wear makeup or conform to beauty standards which are very limited and unrealistic.

"Try to stay away from princess parties and manicures for girls. The thing I always try and get across to parents is that psychological marketers get paid a lot of money to tell people how to get hold of their client base. Brands want to get you as young as possible. In the beauty industry, they can chip away slowly at your self-esteem while you're going through your childhood, and then very slowly sell it back to you, product by product."
friends applying makeup
4.    Teach children resilienceTeach your kids that it's OK to fail sometimes, but that they should never be frightened to try. Encourage them to pursue their goals, even if they're tricky to achieve.

"The more children realise that if they fail, they don't shatter, the more likely they are to have resilience. And resilience creates agency. We want to teach kids early on that they happen to the world, the world doesn't happen to them. They'll soon realise that life's a lot less scary and they have more control of it than they realise."

5.    Draw out talentEmma's passionate that the national education system doesn't always make children feel good about themselves. But your child doesn't have to be an academic superstar to be talented.

"Unless your child happens to be academic, they will either be average or less than average at school. But that does not make them average or less than average. That makes our system wrong. So as a parent you've got to constantly from day one, draw out that talent. It doesn't matter if it's running really fast, or being compassionate, or the way they can make people laugh. Every kid I've ever met when they're young is literally infinitely talented. But unless the parent is constantly and rigorously reinforcing that they lose sight of who they are."

6. Do family activities togetherThere's still plenty of good old fashioned fun to be had, if you leave your digital devices at home and explore nature, you're doing yourself a favour too.

"As parents you want to think of something more purposeful - things like mindful practice like a family yoga session or going out and having a walk with nature can really reconnect us. My boys are 14 and 12 and they are as cool as. But they would still rather go on a dog walk with my husband and I than be on social media all the time. Family connections make kids feel safe. And I think we're losing that somehow."

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