
Saturday 12 May 2018

signs that your child could be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder

Having a positive body image is important for our mental health but, unfortunately, a huge amount of people don't like what they see when they look in the mirror.When we feel good about ourselves we feel happier, more positive, and more confident, but when we feel that something isn't right about our bodies, it can have a big impact on our self-esteem.
Sad teenage girl sat on bed
And it's not just adults who are affected. The ever-increasing presence of social media and handheld technology in our everyday lives means that children are being exposed to unrealistic images of 'the perfect body' from a very early age. Indeed, recent research suggests that children as young as three are criticising their own appearance and expressing a wish to diet. Teenagers are also very susceptible to body image issues, and such problems can lead to the development of unhealthy habits and even eating disorders.

Here, AXA PPP healthcare has shared information to help parents recognise the signs and symptoms of body image issues in children and young people, including spotting the signs of vulnerability and body dysmorphic disorder.

Red flags
If your child displays any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign that they're starting to have negative thoughts and feelings about their appearance...

They become self-conscious about their body, perhaps because of the physical changes associated with puberty.
They worry about fitting in with their friends and peers, which can affect the way they view their bodies.
They may also be influenced by ideas in the media about what they're supposed to look like, causing concerns about following this stereotypical idea of beauty and weight. This can impact their confidence and self-esteem in a negative way, as these social norms suggest that teenagers can only be happy and successful if they conform to what others deem attractive and trendy.
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
A distorted body image can also lead to the development of body dysmorphic disorder. This is a form of anxiety where a person feels worry and fear that they're ugly, or that a specific part of their body is abnormal or strange-looking, even though other people see them as normal and try to reassure them.

For example, a person who suffers with body dysmorphic disorder might think they have a very large nose which looks abnormal and that other people are staring at it when they're out in public. They may constantly look at their nose in the mirror. They may often think about covering up their nose or about getting surgery to 'fix' it.

But these feelings about their nose and the intrusive thoughts they have about it are part of their mental health condition - their body image has become so distorted they aren't able to see themselves as they really are. In reality, their nose is perfectly ordinary.

It's important to remember that people with body dysmorphic disorder aren't vain or self-obsessed because they're continually thinking about the way they look. They find it very upsetting but they're unable to stop the thoughts from happening and may be afraid to talk about their feelings.

Symptoms of BDD include...

Checking how they look, by looking in a mirror or asking for an opinion.
Asking for reassurance from friends and family about their appearance.
Avoiding mirrors as they're afraid of seeing themselves.
Constantly re-doing make-up or hair as they don't feel they look right.
Dieting or excessive exercising.
Avoiding social gatherings that might require them to show their body or the part of their body that they're ashamed of.
Wanting surgery to 'fix' themselves even though it isn't required.
Body dysmorphic disorder can be addressed with medication and therapy, so it's important to get professional help. Reassure your child that it is a treatable condition and it is not something to feel embarrassed about.

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