
Sunday 22 April 2018

The Merits of Taking Creatine [ Everything You Need to know].

Pure, unflavoured Creatine Monohydrate has been a staple supplement in my stack for many years and can not only help recreational lifters in the gym but also a range of athletes in a variety of different spots.

During short-term, intense activities (such as Sprinting, Weight Lifting, Rugby or Gridiron) a large amount of power needs to be produced by the muscles in order to generate enough force capable of propelling one’s body down the track or field as fast as possible or alternatively lift as much weight as possible. This creates a high demand for ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

 When we engage in exercise that requires fast, explosive movement we are using our Creatine Phosphate energy system. It is the body’s predominant energy system used for anaerobic activity lasting up to around 10 seconds. However, there is a limited amount of stored Creatine Phosphate and ATP in skeletal muscles so fatigue occurs quite rapidly. For example, when you watch the 200m in the days to come you will notice that some athletes will appear to hit a second gear and accelerate past the rest of the field when in fact the reality is that they are simply capable of maintaining top speed in their Creatine Phosphate energy system for a longer period of time than their competitors.

» How can this help you in the gym?

By supplementing with Creatine you can increase your Creatine Phosphate stores thus providing you with more energy to perform explosive movements for longer periods of time. In simple terms, by supplementing with Creatine you will be able to push out a few more additional reps on those heavy sets of Bench Press. Increasing your strength will inevitably lead to increases in muscle hypertrophy.

So much win! 🏻Whilst studies are inconclusive as to when the most optimal time is to take Creatine Monohydrate I personally take 5g (teaspoon) before I train and ensure that I am well hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water. Creatine is safe to stack with any other supplement but always remember that supplements are the icing on the cake... Prioritise your diet first and then look to supplements for that extra edge

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