
Friday 20 April 2018

Fitness: Terrific Ways To Get Motivated Before a Workout

Are you one of us who sits for hours talking yourself into going to the gym, but to no avail? If you are, then this is for people like you. Motivation is the most important thing when it comes to working out. No doubt about it, if you can motivate yourself to get up and go, the rest is easy.

1 – Set a Strict and Small Goal:

It’s easier to convince yourself to work out when you know there’s an end to it. For example, you will never miss a workout until you lose 5 more pounds. Or promise yourself that you’ll go to the gym until you remove 3cm from your waist. Once you’ve achieved one goal, you can set your eyes on next and continue to climb the ladder.

2 – Go With a Friend:

If you go to work out alone, you might back out and stay home. However, if your friend is also going, he/she will probably make you leave the house! Plus, you wouldn’t want them with firm and sexy bodies, while you’re at home getting fat!

3 – Make Your Workouts Fun:

The lack of adversity in your workouts is probably why you can’t bother to stick to it. Who says that you have to go to the gym every day? Mix things up a bit. Go hiking with friends, or take your bike and just ride, explore. The main aim is to burn calories which you can do outside the gym as well.

4 – Keep Track of Your Accomplishments:

You’ve lost 3 pounds last week, write it down! That’s amazing, and that kind of thing is what will give you the motivation to continue doing what you’re doing. You just need a little reminder that you’ve actually succeeded in something.

Terrific Ways To Get Motivated Before a Workout

5 – Success Stories & Pictures:

When you’re surfing on the Internet, go through some blogs and websites and read all those success stories about people who have managed to turn their lives upside down. You can look at their pictures and videos to know why you should not give up. If they can do it, you can do it!

6 – Picture Yourself (only slimmer and sexier!):
Imagine how you can transform your body in just a few months. Can you see all those jealous looks when you walk on the beach with those abs? Isn’t that really motivating? The only thing you need to do is get up and go work towards getting that dream body.

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