
Sunday 22 April 2018

Fitness: Everything You Should know About Resistance Training.

A lot of guys hit the weights without knowing the first thing about resistance training. This lack of knowledge can delay results and even cause injury, so it’s important to have an idea of what you’re doing and why. Use these basic weight-lifting tips and tricks to help you get started on a weight-training routine:
»1- Choose a Goal:

Having a goal is mandatory for all beginners. Not only will it define what direction you want to go in, but it will also determine what exercises you will need to do in order to achieve your goals. Whether your goal is to bulk up significantly or blast fat, always keep it in mind to motivate and guide you.

»2- Be Positive:

With your end goal end in mind, now it’s time to get to work. Stay focused and determined by finding someone to work out with – a close friend or a personal trainer are both great choices. It also helps if you post something up on your wall that keeps track of your progress. Be proud of yourself for taking the first step toward your goal of a dream body.

»3-Know your Limits:
Start off with something light — even world renowned body builders had to start somewhere. Remember that fewer reps and heavier weights build muscle, while more reps and lighter weights, in turn, confer definition. Doing too much too soon can cause injury and sideline you for days, weeks or even months. Start off slow and build from there. For a structured exercise plan.

»4- Keep Increasing the Weight:

Although you should start off light, you shouldn’t become stagnant. Getting in shape is all about increasing your repetitions and weight, so try to add at least ten pounds a month, or more, to your exercises. By continually challenging your body like this, you’ll avoid a plateau and keep seeing results. For a performance boost, you may want to consider a creatine supplement, which can provide your muscles with extra energy for more reps and power.

»5- Don’t work the same Muscle Group Two Days in a Row:

Your body needs a chance to recuperate. Working the same group of muscles twice in a row burns your muscles out and doesn’t give them the chance to repair and strengthen. In fact, this can actually weaken your muscles. If you worked on your legs today, then work another part of your body tomorrow.

6. Don’t Forget to work your Legs:

Having a huge upper body with a small lower body not only looks awkward, it is also dysfunctional. While most people are mainly concerned with having big arms and tight abs, it is crucial to include lower body workouts as part of your routine. To help you carve a solid lower body, check out “How to Build Better Glutes.”

»7- Stretch & Flex:

Stretching before and after a workout can help prime your body for exercise and may even prevent some injuries. Do a combination of static and dynamic stretching for best results. After stretching at the end of your workout, you should consider taking a post-workout supplement to help speed up recovery.

»8- Keep Proper Posture:

Working out with poor posture is almost as bad as not working out at all. Always practice proper form. Slouching and other habits that can affect your form may increase your risk of injury – not to mention post-workout soreness. Once you feel your form heading south, put the weights down.

»9- Practice Proper Nutrition:

Proper nutrition is the only way that you will be able to gain muscle and appreciate the toning that working out gives you. Workout supplements, in particular, can help you get the results you want.

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