
Tuesday 10 April 2018

How to Improve Muscles performance in Training and Achieving your Goal

Learn some tips that will make you may have a faster muscle recovery and thus improve their performance in training and achieving your goals.

How to Improve Muscles performance in Training and Achieving your GoalIn bodybuilding, as important as nurture and train the body properly is knowing provide specific periods of not only the muscle recovery, but the body in general, to provide increasing earnings and longer lasting.

Train intensely is fundamental to stimulate the muscle, however, he becomes totally ineffective when not take into account an adequate muscle recovery. So just do not train properly and eat correctly, the correct muscle recovery is as important as other factors, for "the muscle grows is at rest," you have heard this phrase?

And when we talk about recovery, soon comes to the minds of most bodybuilders rest, sleep, the act of sleeping. Of course, this is one of the most important ways to recover from something stressful, but there are other methods that we can use for that muscle recovery is even more effective. Let's meet some of these methods?

#1 - Triggers The Body a Conducive Environment  And Time  For Sleep:

Sleep is one of the main and most important stages of the recovery period. As important as food and as important as the training itself, sleep can be extremely anabolic and assist in muscle gains and reduction of body.

Today, divided into different phases, sleep represents in each one stage in which the body has different actions in various body structures and different impacts against it. And these range from synthesis and hormonal secretions, the protein synthesis, glycogen synthesis, relaxation of body and mind and etc.

Sleep all the time is not something that results or bring extra benefits, so the hours INTENDED FOR SLEEPING are essentially required to be overvalued and in fact exist. An individual, for example, that presents difficulties or inadequacies with the time to sleep, usually presents with numerous physical and mental problems, ranging from simple weariness even mental disorders.

Sensitive to light, temperature, sounds, touches, smells and other body is directly influenced during sleep and moments before it to perform this physiological state well or not. So try to sleep in pleasant surroundings without noise or any noise, away from the minimum brightness (some references show that even a simple LED on can bring harm) without strong odors and properly scheduled hours.
This will be essential to properly recover the body in the rest period and then increase still more intensity in training, making them increasingly have optimized efficiency.

#2- Use Melatonin
Sleep well with melatonin:

Completing the previous tip on providing adequate sleep for muscle recovery, a tip that I personally use and find very interesting is the use of melatonin.
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland after dark, so we can have sleep. But as they get older the amount of secreted melatonin decreases, which means that we have a quality of sleep worse. To solve this problem the tip is the use of any supplements melatonin base.
Use of melatonin-based supplements will make you able to regulate your sleep cycle, and presents several other benefits such as:
Strengthen the immune system;
Regulate the sleep cycle;
Reduce free radiciais;
Anti-oxidative effect;

More energy for the day, because you will have a better sleep, and  etc.

How to Improve Muscles performance in Training and Achieving your Goal

So whether or not trouble sleeping, melatonin can be an excellent accompaniment to a good muscle recovery after all sleep better never hurts.

#3- Use massage for better recovery
Sports massage to relax the muscle:

Massage is one of the fastest and pleasurable recovery means that there is, but it is not accessible to all, as in Brazil therapist is priced a little high. But if you have the possibility to massage once a week or once a month, do not think twice, do it!
A good massage will make your muscles are relaxed completely, which is totally in favor of good muscle recovery. Furthermore, the massage will help to ensure a reduction in muscle tone, accelerating the elimination of metabolic waste and improves the blood circulation.

A good massage option for us bodybuilders is called sports massage.

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