The Glasglow Green concert was on fire last night. Literally. During Bruno Mars' performance, the stage was set ablaze. On July 10, he and his lineup were forced to leave the stage after playing "Perm." Flames caught onto the stage's lighting rig. It took 8 minutes to contain and extinguish the relatively small fire. The lights and music were completely shut down during this time. His fans were asked for patience, through text projected onto two screens on either side of the stage:"This is a Safety Announcement. It is necessary to stop the show temporarily. Further information to follow."
The "24K Gold" singer came back onstage quickly after the incident, singing an improvised hook,"We burned the stage down in Glasglow." 
DF Concerts stated, "During the Bruno Mars show, there was an incident involving one of the stage lights meaning the show was stopped temporarily."They continued in gratitude,“Thanks to the quick thinking of our stage team who assessed the situation, this incident was quickly responded to, allowing the show to continue safely."
Seems like Bruno Mars' career found another parallel with Michael Jackson's. The fire did not happen during the filming of a commercial and the star's hair is intact, but the fact that "Perm" was playing at the time makes for an inadvertent homage to the king of pop.